Learn SQL Tutorial to Store, Manipulate Data faster and easier

For many years spreadsheets like Excel have been used to store data and records. These spreadsheet applications are approachable, ubiquitous, and flexible. They can merge cells, add comments, pivot on data, format tables, and make graphs. But with flexibility comes risk. They can lead to more work, more waiting, more versioning headaches, and lower accuracy. However with the availability of SQL, records can be stored much faster and easier. You can learn SQL through SQL tutorial on various educational websites. Here’s how SQL works –
  • Your data is stored in a relational database, which is made of tables. Those tables usually look like one sheet in Excel, with rows and columns.
  • You retrieve data and perform analysis with queries, which are a sets of instructions written in SQL. You can save them the same way you save a text file.
  • Instead of describing how to get the data—like in Excel or Sheets—your queries describe what data you want. You can run these queries with a SQL interpreter, which does the necessary retrieval and analysis steps for you.

SQL is much faster than any spreadsheet applications. It can take minutes in SQL to do what it takes nearly an hour to do in a spreadsheet. While popular spreadsheets like Excel can technically handle one million rows, you can store, manipulate millions of data in seconds using SQL.
